Leader: Nicholas W
Phone: 07454694876
Date: 21/04/2024
Difficulty: Moderate
Start time: 1035
Start point: Grindleford railway station
Distance (in miles): 11.5
Full description:
Starting with a walk through Hay Wood to Froggat Edge, then continuing along the path to Curbar Edge and Baslow Edge. We then pass Eagle Stone and Wellingtons Monument before following Bar road to Gardoms Edge. Finally we walk to Birchen Edge and pass Nelsons Monument on the way to White Edge, then return along the starting path to Grindleford railway station.
Public transport or car sharing options:
65 bus departs Sheffield Interchange 0935 arrives Grindleford 1008
Train departs Sheffield 1017 arrives Grindleford 1031
Return hourly train at xx47
65 bus at 1559 or 1819 so potentially a long wait, I suggest using the train.
Be prepared:
Please remember to dress appropriately for the time of year. A waterproof is always advised, as well as plenty of food and water. Please bring warm clothes and or sun protection as required (coats, hats gloves, sun hat, sunglasses, sun cream etc). Further information on what to bring an be found on our website here: https://www.sheffieldwalkinggroup.org.uk/be-prepared
Sign-up for this walk opens 5 days before the event. If you sign up and can no longer make it, please be respectful of others and remove yourself from the event so that others can take your place. We request you do this ***NO LATER THAN 6pm*** the night before the walk.