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Summer Solstice Saunter

  • The Bull's Head, in Monyash (map)

Leader: Miranda

Phone: 07980394848

Date: 21/06/2024

Difficulty: Moderate

Start time: 6pm

Start point: Outside The Bull's Head, in Monyash

End point (if not circular): Circular

Distance (in miles): 7.5


Full description:

Technically the day after the equinox, but this way we won’t upset anyone celebrating the solstice at the stone circle! A lovely evening walk from Monyash, down through the top end of Lathkill Dale, then up and out near Cales Dale where we’ll make our way over the fields to Arbor Low stone circle and stop for a picnic tea. After our picnic and wander (maybe a ritual sacrifice or something) we’ll head the easy way back into Monyash and probably go to a pub.

Bring food for a picnic and a £1 coin – the stone circle is looked after by English Heritage on the grounds that visitors pay a small contribution to the landowner.


Public transport or car sharing options:

This one is best accessible by car sharing, Monyash has no real bus routes please use Meetup comments to share rides there. There is a car park on Chapel Street at ///spires.inventors.goodbyes


Be prepared:

Please be prepared and come appropriately dressed, bearing in mind this is an evening walk and it will get chillier later on. Please bring food and plenty of water.



Sign-up for this walk opens 5 days before the event. If you sign up and can no longer make it, please be respectful of others and remove yourself from the event so that others can take your place. We request you do this ***NO LATER THAN 6pm*** the night before the walk.


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