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Bakewell puddings and Chatsworth stags

  • Bridge Street Bakewell, England, DE45 1DS United Kingdom (map)

Name: Fiona S (07717941647)

Start/End point: Outside Cotswold shop in Bakewell (Bridge St)

Distance: 10 miles

Difficulty: Moderate

From Bakewell we join the end of the Monsall trail going south, then follow the River Wye and through the woods to reach the River Derwent. We follow this river north, through Chatsworth estate and stop at the Chatsworth cafe for refreshments. We may be lucky enough to spot some impressive stags as it is almost the rutting season! Then it is a hop over the hill back to Bakewell - this will be a short but steep climb along a rocky track. The traditional Bakewell puddings - the focal point of this route - are delicious and a pub finale is more than likely!

Public transport or car sharing options: The 218 bus leaves Sheffield interchange at 09:40 and passes through Nether Edge (Psalter Lane) 09:51, arriving in Bakewell 10.32. I will likely be on this bus, and big thumbs up to anyone else using public transport to save the fuel!

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